Water Quality Sample Testing

Certified Lab Analysis For Water Contamination

water quality inspection

Serving Thurston County and the surrounding area

Serving the greater Olympia and Puget Sound Areas

Locally Trusted

For over 40 years, SGA Inspection has been in the business of helping homeowners become as informed as possible about their home, health and safety.

Evaluate Your Water Quality Regularly

When purchasing a new home, families want to be assured that their water supply is safe. SGA Inspection Inc. provides water quality testing and well equipment performance inspections to put your mind at ease.

Well water may contain contaminates, possibly endangering your family’s health. Regular water testing is very important since many dangerous contaminants are tasteless, odorless, and don’t alter the appearance of water coming from the tap.

Private well owners should test their drinking water every year for coliform bacteria and nitrate. These two contaminants in particular can substantially impact a person’s health.

What To Expect

  • Common contaminants testing
  • Additional tests if necessary

The main contaminants in well water to be concerned about are:

When your results are back, we’ll go over the water quality analysis report with you and provide you with a copy for your records.

It is important to keep your annual water quality records in case you ever sell your house. These will also come in handy for determining when further action may be necessary.

Found in sewage, fertilizers, and animal waste. They can cause serious harm to infants under 6 months of age. They can cause “Baby Blue Syndrome” which inhibits the body’s ability to carry oxygen and can be fatal.

These include arsenic, lead, copper and many more. Heavy metals can enter your well water through ground water flow and surface water run-off. Consuming high levels can lead to many health issues including liver and kidney toxicity, cancer, and reproductive issues.
These are from many common household products including paint, prescription drugs, petroleum products, and many more. They can contaminate your well water through spills, improper waste disposal, surface run-off, and groundwater contamination. Consuming high levels can lead to issues with kidneys, reproductive systems, nervous system, and more.
Although fluoride can help prevent tooth decay, high levels can cause skeletal fluorosis, a painful condition affecting the bones and joints. It can also cause dental fluorosis, which causes yellowing and pitting of the teeth if consumed in excess during formative stages. Fluoride is found in many aquifers.
These can cause gastrointestinal infections which are unpleasant at best and life threatening to certain vulnerable individuals.
According to the Washington State Department of Health, additional tests should be performed under certain circumstances.

What Should You Test Your Well Water For?

Nitrate, coliform bacteria, pH levels, total dissolved solids (the amount of minerals, salts, and metals), and other contaminants if they are suspected.

  • A resident is trying to get pregnant, currently pregnant, or nursing.
  • A resident is under the age of 12.
  • Fertilizers have been used near your well
  • There is an unexplained illness
  • Your neighbor has a septic leak or known contamination.
  • There is a change in your water’s taste, smell or appearance
  • Your well has flooded
  • You have repaired or replaced any part of your well system
Tests for arsenic should be performed at least twice while you own the well; once in the winter and once in the summer to check for seasonal variations and additionally if your neighbors have had a high reading.

Tests for arsenic should be performed at least twice while you own the well; once in the winter and once in the summer to check for seasonal variations and additionally if your neighbors have had a high reading.

Schedule your water quality test or give us a call at (360) 485-7123 to learn more.